“Soho mainly relies on fruits that do not contain any preservatives or stimulants for growth” Soho’s
Our Mission
It is our mission, but most importantly our passion at Soho's for producing food products exceeds consumer quality expectations and taste while providing an exceptional experience. We recognize our commitment to producing food in a sustainable way as an industry leader, and we are dedicated to developing foodstuffs with great flavor profiles that offer healthy choices for high-standard consumers
Our Vision
Lead the industry in dry food production with high-quality standards and advanced technology to meet consumer demand for the better quality of life. Soho relies on seasonal fruits without preservatives or growth stimulants. The drying process is carried out in a safe environment with safety measures in place to ensure food safety. Fruits are naturally dried in ovens specially designed to remove excess water while maintaining fiber and vitamins without adding sugar or other preservatives.

About soho’s
Soho’s depends mainly on fruits without any preservatives or growth stimulants Although we very much keen to dry all of our fruits on their own season to ensure product quality and safe storage Drying process is being done in a very safe environment includes all the precautions for food safety Fruit is dried naturally in a prepared ovens designed to get rid of excess water and preserve the fiber and vitamins of each fruit without adding sugar or any other preservatives

why soho’s
We do not Buy from the
Open Market
Tov: Fruits and vegetables are chosen without added preservatives or growth stimulants. Fruits and vegetables are dried throughout their season High food safety precautions Natural drying process without adding sugar or any preservatives